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Earlex HV5ACC10USR 1.0mm Tip & Needle Kit

Earlex HV5ACC10USR 1.0mm Tip & Needle Kit

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Earlex has ultra fine stainless steel needles available for purchase. These needles are sized at 1mm. The needle is the perfect tool to achieve an ultra-fine finish. Materials that are ideal for this needle are materials that are extremely thin bodies such as fine stains, sealers, and finish coatings. A great project using this needle would be something like a fine finish on an old guitar! Adding 10 layers or more when using very thin materials will make any project perfect. The ultra-fine stainless steel needle is compatible with the Earlex 5500 Spray Station (sold separately).

To achieve that showroom finish with thin bodied materials the 1 mm Stainless Steel needle kit is ideal for lacquers and automotive topcoats. Use with models HV5000, HV6900, HV7000


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