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FNA 7105742 Seal Kit High and Low Pressure Seals C30 Series Pumps

FNA 7105742 Seal Kit High and Low Pressure Seals C30 Series Pumps

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7105742 Seal Kit from AAA is the High and Low Pressure Seals, R-Rings and Fiber Backing washers for the C30 Series Pumps manufactured FNA Group under OEM Technologies and AAA pumps.

The Inside Diameter of the Seals and Backing washers in this kit is 12.00MM

This 7105742 Seal Kit was used on multiple pumps including the following models:

8.7GA12* AAA 3400 PSI Cold Water Pressure Pump
530001 AAA 3400 Cold Water Pressure Pump

9.6GA12* AAA Cold Water 32000 PSI Pump
530002 AAA Cold Water 3200 PSI Pump
90030 AAA Cold Water 3200 PSI Pump
C-30 Series AAA Cold Water 3200 PSI Pump

8.7GA12* AAA Cold Water 3400 PSI Pressure Pump
530008 AAA Cold Water 3400 PSI Pressure Pump
90037 AAA Cold Water 3400 PSI Pressure Pump
53BRD23 AAA Cold Water 3400 PSI Pressure Pump
53BRD25 AAA Cold Water 3400 PSI Pressure Pump
C-31 Series AAA Cold Water 3400 PSIPressure Pump

9.6GA12* AAA 3400 PSI 2.3 GPM Cold Water Pressure Pump
530009 AAA 3400 PSI 2.3 GPM Cold Water Pressure Pump
C-31 Series AAA 3400 PSI 2.3 GPM Cold Water Pressure Pump

* There are multiple versions of these pump so you must use the number starting with 5 to identify your pump typically located on a sticker on the pump.

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