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Honeywell North -  Kit - Steel - ANSI 2009 - 10 Persons - 43pcs - 1/EA

Honeywell North - Kit - Steel - ANSI 2009 - 10 Persons - 43pcs - 1/EA

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Our First Aid Kits contain products that meet the highest quality standards and revised ANSI Standard Z308.1-2003. They also conform with OSHA, federal, and most state requirements for First Aid Kits at public and semipublic recreational facilities.
The rugged molded steel case is constructed of heavy-gauge steel with high gloss paint and rustproof coating to withstand abuse and provide maximum protection from moisture.
Contains unit packages equipped to handle most minor aches, pains, bumps, bruises, and sprains. Also includes First Aid Guide, scissors and forceps.

  • 1 unit - Triangular bandage with pins
  • 1 unit - Instant Cold Pack
  • 1 unit - Gauze Compress 36" x 36"
  • 1 unit - Adhesive Bandages 1" x 3" (16 pcs/unit)
  • 1 unit - Gauze Pads 3" x 3" (4 pcs/unit)
  • 1 unit - Adhesive Tape 1/2" x 7.5' (2 pcs/unit)
  • 1 unit - First Aid/Burn Cream with Aloe (6 pcs/unit)
  • 1 unit - PVP Iodine Wipes (10 pcs/unit)
  • 1 unit - Synthetic Medical Gloves (2 pair/unit)
Sturdy and durable kits are waterproof and equipped with carrying handles and mounting brackets
Made of heavy gauge steel with high gloss paint, the rustproof coating provides protection from moisture
Color-coded cartons hold individual sealed unit dose applications
Includes first aid guide, scissors, and forceps; the kit is ANSI Z308.1-2003 compliant
Contains 10-units equipped to handle most minor aches, pains, bumps, bruises and sprains


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    10-Unit2 in5 in8 inall other productsANSI Z308.1-2003bf2023canadacatchallshipfirstaidhoneywellnomapnot canadaprisyncROAS 4spo-defaultspo-disabledSteel Kitunder-200Waterproof Kit