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Honeywell UVEX  Anti-Fog Indirect OTG Goggles, Clear Lens
Honeywell UVEX  Anti-Fog Indirect OTG Goggles, Clear Lens
Honeywell UVEX  Anti-Fog Indirect OTG Goggles, Clear Lens

Honeywell UVEX Anti-Fog Indirect OTG Goggles, Clear Lens

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Uvex® Strategy® OTG safety goggles provide protection against impact and dust, sand and debris. Soft, flexible thermopoly elastomer (TPE) body conforms to your face and gives you an airtight seal for maximum protection. Fits over most prescription eyewear. Clear polycarbonate lens delivers excellent peripheral vision and complete protection. Offers 99.9% UV protection. Uvextra™ AF antifog lens coating minimizes fogging. Direct Vent provides impact protection.

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all other productsANSI Z87.1-2003Anti-Fogbf2023canadacatchallshipClear LensFlexibleGray FramehoneywellnogooglenomapNon-Polarizednot canadaOTGprisyncProtective GogglesROAS 3safetyglassesspo-defaultspo-disabledTPE Frame Materialunder-200Universal Size