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Jet Tools - 1/2 Gallon JET Bio-Degradable MW Flood Coolant

Jet Tools - 1/2 Gallon JET Bio-Degradable MW Flood Coolant

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Carbon steel blade. Always replace worn or chipped blades to ensure the best and safest performance of your saw. Enhance shop operations and versatility with a wide range of quality replacement parts, upgrades and accessories from JET. Always trust genuine JET parts for your JET Tools. They are guaranteed to fit and work perfectly in your equipment.


  • Replacement Blade for JET 14" Vertical Saw- 3/8" x .025" x 93-1/2" X 14R - Carbon.
  • Carbon steel.
  • 3/8 X .025 X 93-1/2".
  • 14 TPI raker.


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