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K'A'RCHER 8.756-481.0 EASY!Force Advanced KNA Trigger Gun

K'A'RCHER 8.756-481.0 EASY!Force Advanced KNA Trigger Gun

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EASY!Force trigger gun (North American Model) - zero force required. Standard 1/4" connection for wand, 3/8" connection for hose.

Introducing the most effortless trigger gun on the market, the new Karcher EASY!Force Trigger Gun (North American Model). The revolutionary EASY!Force trigger gun uses its own recoil force to hold the trigger down for you. This means no more sore hands after hours of use. Try the Karcher EASY!Force trigger gun — it is so much fun, you will not want to put it down!

  • Ergonomics
    The Karcher EASY!Force technology holds the trigger down once you start it, avoiding the strain on your hands associated with other trigger guns.
  • Designed for Long Life
    The Karcher EASY!Force (North American Model) valve consists of a ceramic ball with ceramic sealing seat that is resistant to any particles liable to cause potential damage. This gives it a lifetime five times longer than trigger guns with conventional valve.
  • Built In Safety
    The EASY!Force trigger gun features a mechanical safety to prevent accidental starts for maximum safety without compromising its ease-of-use.


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