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SAS Safety First-Aid Kit (Metal Box) - 25 Persons - 124 pcs
SAS Safety First-Aid Kit (Metal Box) - 25 Persons - 124 pcs

SAS Safety First-Aid Kit (Metal Box) - 25 Persons - 124 pcs

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Product Description

For over 30 years, SAS Safety Corporation has provided safety products and equipment designed to make workplaces safer. We are dedicated to providing quality products that protect and preserve our most valuable resource: people. We offer a complete line of personal protective equipment; eye and face, hand, body, respiratory and hearing protection, as well as first-aid kits, ergonomic, spill control, and traffic safety products.

From the Manufacturer

Contains an Assortment of Practical, Single-Use Disposable Items to Treat Injuries in a Sanitary and Simple Way. Multi-Use First-Aid Kit Designed for Use in the Work Place for Up to 25 Employees. Ideal for Light to Medium Industry, Contractors, and Construction Sites. Case Dimensions: 11.75-Inch by 7.5-Inch by 2.5-Inch. For almost three decades, SAS Safety Corporation has been manufacturing and supplying the Industrial, Automotive, Agriculture and Marine Industries with products and equipment designed to make workplaces safer. At SAS Safety Corporation we are dedicated to providing quality products that protect and preserve the most valuable resource on earth: people, As an ISO 9001:2008 certified company, all goods sold by SAS Safety Corporation are carefully manufactured, tested, inspected, checked and packaged by experienced workers, and are as free from defects as possible prior to leaving the factory. We offer a complete line of Respiratory, Hearing, Eye, Hand/Body protection products plus First-Aid Kits, Absorbents, Spill Containment, and Safety Accessories.


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11.75 in2.5 in25-Persons7.5 inall other productsANSI Z308.1-2009bf2023canadacatchallshipfirstaidKitMetal Kitnogooglenomapnot canadaPolypropylene KitprisyncROAS 3sasspo-defaultspo-disabledunder-200