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Welding Shoe Clamp 8 1/2" Jaw Opening, 5 1/2" Throat Depth

Welding Shoe Clamp 8 1/2" Jaw Opening, 5 1/2" Throat Depth

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Welding Shoe Clamp 8 1/2" Jaw Opening, 5 1/2" Throat Depth

  • Bolt or weld on shoe, shoe can stay in place while clamps are used in other set-ups
  • Direct clamp mounting-quicker and easier for aligning and leveling plates and sheets
  • Easy loading and unloading clamps slide easily in and out of shoe
  • Flexible design reduces number of clamps needed, set up time, and storage space
  • Puts clamping power where you need it
  • Reaches where conventional clamps cannot , can be located anywhere on a fixture, table or fabricated piece


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