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Walcom HTE Kevlar Kombat Special Edition Norber Alonso Spray Gun With 680cc Anti-Uv Cup & Pressurized Analog Gauge
Walcom HTE Kevlar Kombat Special Edition Norber Alonso Spray Gun With 680cc Anti-Uv Cup & Pressurized Analog Gauge

Walcom HTE Kevlar Kombat Special Edition Norber Alonso Spray Gun With 680cc Anti-Uv Cup & Pressurized Analog Gauge

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Ideal for spraying clears, base coats, primers, sealers and refinish for body shops, boats, industrial applications and much more.  For over a decade SLIM has been synonymous with quality, reliability, value and versatility, appreciated by professional and DIY painters all over the world. For automotive, industrial, manufacturing, woodworking and more, we have you more than covered with the introduction of the SLIM KOMBAT. A new, unique and revolutionary version of the spray gun that has advanced spray gun technology and made spray gun history! SLIM KOMBAT is incredibly light, only 380g , it breaks the rules, abandoning the classic aluminium body and presents itself with an innovative magnesium body, over-injected with Kevlar® fiber (PAT. PENDING) SLIM KOMBAT is available in 3 versions: HVLP, HTE, HTE SR, which share the same air consumption (220-260 l/min), high transfer efficiency (over 80% for primers and 70% for bases and clear) and for the atomization quality.

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