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IWATA 3045 W-71 W71-21GN SST Gravity Feed Spray Gun - Gun only

IWATA 3045 W-71 W71-21GN SST Gravity Feed Spray Gun - Gun only

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3045 W-71 W71-21GN GUN ONLY 1.3 - have heat treated stainless steel nozzles and needles. When spraying waterborne or very acidic materials these heat treated components may become oxidized without proper maintenance.

ANEST IWATA ís W71 series spray gun have been used by coating professionals for over twenty-five years worldwide for industrial/manufacturing applications.

The W-71 is a durable lightweight spray gun with a built-in air adjustment valve. It is very versatile and available in pressure feed, siphon feed and gravity feed configurations. Suitable for small to medium sized painting applications in a wide variety of industries.

Available Cups and Containers for W-71 Cups and Containers Sold Separately


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