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WIWA Series 150 5.5:1 638 PSI Low Pressure Pump - SS Long Version

WIWA Series 150 5.5:1 638 PSI Low Pressure Pump - SS Long Version

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These new low pressure pumps still use the well proven WIWA compressed air motors. The transfer pumps differ from their predecessors by the following features: Revolving piston gland packing with four V-sleeves, easy assembly and disassembly, low weight, the piston is simply hooked in, as with the Airless paint spraying units.

Fields of Application

• Paint supply
• Conventional spraying systems
• Paint circulation systems and filling stations in industry and craft trade

The application possibilities for WIWA low pressure pumps are so manifold, that we will always be available for you to advice you down to the last detail.

Plumped material

Lacquers and paints, water varnishes, solvents, oils, greases, separating agents, scouring agents, glues, plastisols, sealing compounds, bitumen, epoxy materials, underseals, roof coating and insulating materials, noise proofing material and other highly viscous materials with a high solids content.

Series Series 150
Unit Type
Version RS-L = rust and acid proof version - long
(for 200 l (52.83 US gal) drum and standpipe)
Pressure ratio 5.5:1
Output per Doublestroke 150 cm3
Max. air inlet pressure 116 PSI
Max. operating pressure 638 PSI
 Output per cycle 5 fl.oz.
Output @ 60 cycles 2.3 gal
Weight (approx) 38.58 in.
Dimension     (approx) inches 47.24 x 523.62


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