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The CC20 Series of DuPont™ Tychem® Hoods provide a wide variety of simple (1588218200099)
Bullard CC20 Series Paint and Chemical Handling Respirator Hood - 10/Case (1588218200099)
Bullard CC20 Series Paint and Chemical Handling Respirator Hood - 10/Case (1588218200099)
Bullard CC20 Series Paint and Chemical Handling Respirator Hood - 10/Case (1588218200099)
Bullard CC20 Series Paint and Chemical Handling Respirator Hood - 10/Case (1588218200099)
Bullard CC20 Series Paint and Chemical Handling Respirator Hood - 10/Case (1588218200099)

Bullard CC20 Series Paint and Chemical Handling Respirator Hood

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Ideal for those who have a beard preventing use of a tight fitting mask like the Spectrum Series.

The CC20 Series of DuPont™ Tychem® Hoods provide a wide variety of simple, effective and economical options for on-the-job respiratory protection. The result is better protection, improved productivity and greater comfort that combines to produce the best value on the market. These headtops are available as a hood or loose-fitting facepiece in a CC20 Series Airline Respirator configuration or PA20 and PA30 Series Powered Air Purifying Respirator configuration.


A patented neck cuff design helps maintain positive pressure inside the hood to aid in keeping contaminants out. As air enters the hood, the inner collar inflates, providing a snug, comfortable fit around the neck and continuous flow of air to the worker’s breathing zone. The CC20 hood is lighter and more comfortable than tight-fitting full-facepiece respirators. Covering the entire head, face and neck, the CC20 hood provides splash/overspray protection and makes clean-up quick and easy.

click here for more information of sterile hoodsA wide angle lens offers the largest field of vision among DuPont™ Tychem® hood-style respirators on the market, optimizing worker productivity and safety. Available in a variety of styles, the CC20 hood is constructed of either DuPont™ Tychem® QC or DuPont™ Tychem® SL depending on the job application. Taped and sealed seams are also available to provided additional protection for liquid penetration encountered on-the-job or during decontamination.


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