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3M™ Ultimate FX Full Facepiece FF-400 Series, Reusable (1587712360483)

3M™ Ultimate FX Full Facepiece FF-400 Series, Reusable

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  • Scotchgard protection paint and stain resistant lens cause some liquids to bead up so they can be wiped off easily
  • Large lens provides a wide field of view for excellent visibility
  • Silicone full facepiece design offers comfort, durability and ease of cleaning
  • 3M Cool Flow Valve makes breathing easier to provide cool, dry comfort
  • Passive speaking diaphragm enhances communications

Engineered for maximum comfort, durability and visibility, the Ultimate FX FF-400 is the only respirator with Scotchgard™ Protector. This respirator features soft yet durable, silicone material and a large lens for superior peripheral vision.

The 3M™ Ultimate FX Full Facepiece Reusable Respirator FF-400 Series helps provide protection against certain airborne contaminants while keeping your vision clear with the Scotchgard™ protected lens. Scotchgard™ protection makes it possible to wipe paints, stains and other liquids off the large lens. Versatile—use with 3M particulate filters, gas/vapor cartridges and supplied air systems. The 3M™ Cool Flow ™ Valve helps make breathing easier. Passive speaking diaphragm enhances communications, making it possible to be understood when talking. These features combine to make extended wear of the facepiece more comfortable and practical to use while helping to provide protection against certain airborne contaminants.

A number of additional comfort and convenience features have been built into the facepiece, including a head cradle to reduce pressure points and hair pulling, a soft silicone nose cup and faceseal to cushion heavy contact areas, bonded silicone gaskets to prevent loose gaskets from getting lost, and attachments that easily twist on and off. The facepiece fits securely with six straps that snugly wrap around the head, eliminating shifting that can distract on the job and require frequent readjustment. The straps are extremely durable, having been tested with over one million pulls. Recommended applications include assembly , chemical clean-up, chemical handling, chemical splash, chipping, chiseling, cleaning, furnace operations, grinding, laboratories, machining, masonry, painting, pouring/casting, sanding, sawing, and welding. Industries in which this facepiece are commonly used include agriculture, construction, general manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and primary metals.

NIOSH, a Federal government regulatory agency, has tested and approved the FF-400 with 3M cartridges, filters or supplied air systems to help reduce breathing certain airborne contaminants. The FF-400 Series facepiece also meets the impact requirements of the ANSI Z87.1-2003 standard, high impact level for face and eye protection.

The facepiece works with these approved 3M™ filters and accessories: 2071, 2076HF, 2078, 2091/07000, 2096, 2097/07184, 2291, 2296, 2297, 7093, 7093C/37173, 603, 5N11, 5P71/07194, 501, and 502. It also works with the following 3M™ Cartridges 6000 Series: 6001, 6002, 6003, 6004, 6005, 6006, 6009, 60921, 60922, 60923, 60924, 60925, 60926, 60928, and 60929.

Breathing hazardous particles, gases and vapors can be harmful to your health. The 3M™ Ultimate FX Full Facepiece Reusable Respirator FF-400 Series can help reduce exposure to many contaminants. Enhanced comfort and visibility features make wearing the respirator noticeably more enjoyable.

Available sizes: S (for very petite adults, children), M (fits 80% of population), L (people with large head/facial features). These are guidelines to assist with your sizing decision. There is no easy way to spell out the sizing on these respirators. Size medium will fit a majority of men and women. Once you receive your respirator, make sure it fits properly and passes fit testing requirements before using.




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200-5003m6 Pt.all other productsAssembly and Mechanicalbf2023canadacatchallshipChemical Clean-upChippingChiselingCleaningdisc5Dual CartridgesFurnace OperationsGrindingHandling and SplashLaboratoriesMachiningMasonryNonogooglenot canadaPaintingPouring/CastingprisyncrepricerespiratorROAS 4ROAS 6.6SandingSawingSiliconespo-defaultspo-disabledUV ProtectionWelding