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Advance 56394692 SC500™ X20R EcoFlex™ One 64 Ah Lithium-ion battery, onboard charger and fixed pad holder, Scrubber

Advance 56394692 SC500™ X20R EcoFlex™ One 64 Ah Lithium-ion battery, onboard charger and fixed pad holder, Scrubber

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The Advance SC500™ X20R EcoFlex™ is a high-performance floor scrubber designed to provide efficient and eco-friendly cleaning. Here’s a detailed description of its key features:

  • 64 Ah Lithium-Ion Battery: This scrubber is equipped with a 64 amp-hour (Ah) lithium-ion battery. Lithium-ion batteries are known for their long lifespan, quick charging times, and lightweight nature. They offer consistent power and extended runtime, allowing for more efficient cleaning with less downtime.

  • Onboard Charger: The SC500™ X20R includes an integrated charger, making it convenient to recharge the lithium-ion battery directly within the scrubber. This onboard charging system simplifies maintenance and ensures that the machine is always ready for use with minimal hassle.

  • Fixed Pad Holder: The fixed pad holder securely holds cleaning pads in place during operation. This design ensures stability and effective contact with the floor surface, enhancing cleaning performance. It is compatible with a variety of cleaning pads, making it versatile for different types of floor cleaning tasks.

  • EcoFlex™ Technology: The EcoFlex™ system is designed to provide a more environmentally friendly cleaning experience. It allows the operator to adjust the cleaning settings, including detergent and water usage, to optimize performance and reduce environmental impact. This technology helps in conserving resources and lowering overall cleaning costs.

Overall, the Advance SC500™ X20R EcoFlex™ combines advanced battery technology, integrated charging, and eco-friendly features to deliver efficient and sustainable floor cleaning solutions. Its design is intended to enhance productivity while minimizing the environmental footprint.


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