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Air Flow Technology FF-560 36 x 144 Ceiling Filter/Diffusion Media - 8/case
Air Flow Technology FF-560 36 x 144 Ceiling Filter/Diffusion Media - 8/case
Air Flow Technology FF-560 36 x 144 Ceiling Filter/Diffusion Media - 8/case

Air Flow Technology FF-560 36 x 144 Ceiling Filter/Diffusion Media - 8/case

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Filtrair FF-560 GX ceiling diffusion media is available in a complete range of standard size pads, rolls, panels and custom sizes, cross-referenced for easy selection to fit all paint spray booths and prep-stations.

Filtrair FF-560 GX is designed to provide superior intake air filtration in paint spraybooths used by the automotive refinishing and industrial finishing markets where controlled laminar air flow is required. Its lightweight design makes it a good choice for both full paint spray booths as well as for prep stations.

Media Design - Filtrair FF-560 GX is a synthetic nonwoven media, progressively structured and thermally bonded to ensure maximum efficiency and dust loading capacity. A non-migrating tackifier coats the interlocking fibers to ensure the highest
retention of dirt particles. Filtrair FF-560 GX is designed with a downstream polyester scrim netting that adds rigidity, ensures dimensional stability, and prevents fiber migration. Filtrair FF-560 GX synthetic media is rated UL 900 Class 1, and is non-toxic,
environmentally friendly, and temperature resistant up to 212°F with peaks to 250°F.

This high quality Filtrair ceiling or diffusion media is specially designed to be used in the ceiling of paint spray facilities in auto assembly plants and down draft spray cabins in auto refinishing facilities as well as in paint spray booths of the repair after markets.

This media enhances a uniform air distribution and a laminar airflow. Further, it acts as the final filtration barrier to paint damaging particles from the air stream which is an absolute requirement for high gloss and high-tech performance finishes.


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