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Apollo Fluid Feed System w/ 110V 3/8" X 30' Fluid Hose Material & 2 quart Pressure Pot (No Spray Gun) - Green

Apollo Fluid Feed System w/ 110V 3/8" X 30' Fluid Hose Material & 2 quart Pressure Pot (No Spray Gun) - Green

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HVLP TURBINE REMOTE PRODUCTION SERIES (Works w/ Apollo Precision Series and Power VS Series Turbine Spray Systems)

4500-2 Quart (2 Liter) Fluid Feed System

Designed to be used with PRECISION and POWER VS Series turbine systems: models PRECISION-5 PRO LE, PRECISION-5 PRO, POWER 3, 4 & 5. Excellent in the shop or on site. Perfect for lthat larger job when a quart (Liter) is just not enough or when greater spray gun mobility is needed to get into a tight corner.


  • oil-less mini air compressor
  • 2 quart (2 Liter) non-stick coated pressure pot with stainless steel material tube
  • 30' (9m)  fluid hose
  • air blanking screw
  • 4 wheels for easy mobility.


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