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Avagard 1/2" Rubber Air Hose Heavy Duty, Lightweight with Brass 1/2" MNPT Industrial Fitting

Avagard 1/2" Rubber Air Hose Heavy Duty, Lightweight with Brass 1/2" MNPT Industrial Fitting

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Are you tired of struggling with unwieldy, kinking, and corroding air hoses that disrupt your work and drain your productivity? Meet the Avagard 1/2" Rubber Air Hose, the ultimate solution for all your air hose needs. This revolutionary hose is poised to redefine your DIY and construction experiences, offering a perfect blend of performance, flexibility, and durability. 

Working with traditional air hoses can be a real headache. They're bulky, prone to kinking, and often corrode over time, leading to a loss of efficiency and added expenses. The Avagard 1/2" Rubber Air Hose is engineered to resolve these common issues, presenting you with a host of remarkable benefits:


  • Warranty coverage for a span of 5 years
  • Crafted entirely from rubber
  • 20% reduction in weight compared to standard rubber hoses
  • Brass fittings with resistance to corrosion, featuring a 1/2" size
  • Reinforced with high-strength polyester braiding
  • Capable of sustaining a working pressure of 300 PSI with a 4:1 safety margin
  • Resilient against harsh weather conditions, ozone exposure, abrasion, and kinking
  • Equipped with a 4-finger bend restrictor for precise control.


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