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Baileigh Industrial BA9-1231495A PT-105HD-V2 - CNC Plasma Table

Baileigh Industrial BA9-1231495A PT-105HD-V2 - CNC Plasma Table

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Product Overview

Our PT-105HD-V2 is the next generation of our plasma tables, it has the structural strength to handle 5’ x 10’ sheets. Automatic height detection is ideal for production runs. It arrives nearly fully assembled and comes with the software. For our version with an integrated water bath, see the Baileigh 60” x 140” CNC Plasma Table PT-105HD-W.

Plasma torch systems are sold separately. We’ll let you choose the Thermal Dynamics Cutmaster model that works best for your application. This table is compatible with automatic torches, but not manual ones.


The PT-105HD comes standard with BobCAD-Cam Express programming software. You can design or plot out your project on any computer and load the plasma table via a USB drive.


  • Runs on 220-volt single-phase power.
  •  Control the X, Y, and Z-axis movement from the sturdy podium with a large console screen and keypad.
  • Includes easy-to-learn design software that you can load into any basic PC (more details below).
  • The console offers a pre-loaded library of shapes that you can resize and alter at the table—without a computer.
  • Panasonic® brushless servo motors, controlled by Panasonic® servo motion controllers, drive the gantry.
  • Gantry can move out of the way for a full 10-foot sheet during loading, minimizing the chance of machine damage.
  • High gantry (one of the highest in the industry) lets you clearly see its movement for better adjustment and control.
  • Axes ride on heavy-duty Hiwin square rails.
  • Wipers on rails keep welding dust out of the slide for a smooth transfer without noisy friction caused by dirt build-up.
  • Our design reduces the risk of damaging the table while loading or pinching your forklift—unlike competing plasma tables with recessed work areas.


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