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BEAST Blades (5/Pack)
BEAST Blades (5/Pack)
BEAST Blades (5/Pack)

BEAST Blades (5/Pack)

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The BARWALT® BEAST Blades are designed to cut porcelain, marble, granite, and ceramic tiles. Their thin kerf edge allows for a clean, fast cut free of chips. With a reinforced silent core hub, noise is greatly reduced. Choose a 7" (178 mm) Porcelain Blade or 10" (254 mm) Porcelain Blade.
  • Cut porcelain, marble and granite tiles
  • Thin kerf edge for a clean, fast cut with no chips
  • Reinforced silent core hub greatly reduces noise
  • Choose blade size of 7" (178 mm) or 10"(254 mm)


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