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BendPak 5215988 Ergochair Creeper Seat Fully Adjustable Mechanics Seat
BendPak 5215988 Ergochair Creeper Seat Fully Adjustable Mechanics Seat

BendPak 5215988 Ergochair Creeper Seat Fully Adjustable Mechanics Seat

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The ERGOCHAIR adjustable-height rolling work seat makes performing awkward work tasks ergonomically easier and safer for those who needs to lie down, bend or contort their body to perform repetitious work duties, especially car and airplane mechanics, heavy-equipment technicians and factory and assembly line workers. The ERGOCHAIR works both as a chair and creeper featuring four swivel castor wheels that ensure stability and a full range of mobility. The ERGOCHAIR can move smoothly in all positions whether raised, reclined or lowered greatly relieving the stress on your back and other parts of your body while working.

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