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Binks 1/2" Acetal Short Stroke Diaphragm Pump

Binks 1/2" Acetal Short Stroke Diaphragm Pump

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In general, the Binks Gemini II diaphragm pump series is the successor of the well-known Gemini product line.  The new 1/2″ acetal diaphragm pump replaces the 1/2″ acetal diaphragm pump and delivers up to 33% more fluid per stroke than the previous model. The body of the pump is made of conductive acetal, therefore absolute non-corrosive and groundable. The diaphragm is made of PTFE to withstand even very abrasive fluids.

wide range of paints, dyes, stains, glazes and lacquers, including abrasive fluids and coatings.

Click Here For Binks 1/2" short stroke Diaphragm pump Service Information


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.5 in. NPT2000-3500Air OperatedAir Poweredbf2023binkscatchallshipConductive Acetal Bodydiaphragmpumpnot canadapmax ad diaphragm pumpsROAS 3S/S BallsS/S Seatsspo-defaultspo-disabledTeflon Diaph