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Binks 29-486 Air Filter Pad - 20x20x1 - Polyester - 20/Pk

Binks 29-486 Air Filter Pad - 20x20x1 - Polyester - 20/Pk

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Paint collector air filter pads not only capture dust and particles in the paint booth's air stream, they also trap paint overspray to keep it from clogging the booth's fans, ducts, and motors or entering the surrounding air. They are commonly used in the automotive and manufacturing industries.

Air filter pads consist of non-pleated filter media that has been cut to a particular size. They are typically installed into a compatible frame to create an air filter for removing contaminants from the air stream in HVAC systems or paint booth equipment. This prevents the build up of contaminants in the equipment, which can cause damage. It also boosts indoor air quality. Air filter media pads can be cut down to a smaller size, if needed. Commonly used to replace dirty air conditioner filter pads and paint booth filter pads.

Technical Specification
Air Filter Item Air Filter Pad
Style - Air Filters Pad
Nominal Filter Size 20x20x1
Common Applications Paint Collection
Media Material Polyester
Nominal Height 20"
Nominal Width 20"
Nominal Thickness 1"
UL Class 2, NFPA #33, OSHA 1910.107


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