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Binks 98-3062 Pogo Pump Outfit w/ 2100 Gun

Binks 98-3062 Pogo Pump Outfit w/ 2100 Gun

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Pogo Plus series, two-ball, double acting piston pumps are designed for the application and transfer of low-medium viscosity fluids. Models are available in Stainless Steel with either PTFE or UHMWE packings and are compatible with a wide variety of materials including water or solvent borne paints and adhesives and most solvents. Pogo Plus pumps have a 4:1 ratio and are available with maximum pressure ratings of 290 psi or 500 psi.

Binks Pogo Plus Pump Performance
  PX-1304-5U PX1304-5P PX1304-8U PX1304-8P
Pressure Ratio 4:1 4:1 4:1 4:1
Air Inlet Pressure 
0-72.5 psi
0-72.5 psi
0-116 psi
0-116 psi
Pluid Pressure
0-290 PSI
0-290 PSI
0-500 PSI
0-500 PSI
Cycles per gallon 47 47 47 47
Displacement per Cycle 2.7 (81 cc) 2.7 (81 cc) 2.7 (81 cc) 2.7 (81 cc)
Flow @ 60 Cycles/Min 1.3 gal
(4.91 l/M)
1.3 gal
(4.91 l/M)
1.3 gal
(4.91 l/M)
1.3 gal
(4.91 l/M)


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