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Binks Conventional Spray Gun Extensions Style "C" for Model 95 Conventional Spray Guns

Binks Conventional Spray Gun Extensions Style "C" for Model 95 Conventional Spray Guns

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* Used to coat the inside diameter of 2" to 24" pipe.
* Needs to be pressure fed from a pressure tank, pump or pressure cup.
* 360 degree spray pattern
* Forward angle, forward angle/forward spray, right angle or reverse angle tip (specify when ordering).
* Fits through a 3/4" clearance hole.
* Best suited for thin/medium to medium/heavy viscosity materials.
* Long needle shuts material off at the tip.
* Useable length of extension is approximately 1-1/2" shorter that extension length.

Longer lengths are available custom order Extensions can be purchased with or without the spray gun. Most extensions can ship in 2 weeks or less
Call forĀ details.


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