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Bulkhead Fittings for PIG® Modular IBC Tote Spill Containment Pallet
Bulkhead Fittings for PIG® Modular IBC Tote Spill Containment Pallet

Bulkhead Fittings for PIG® Modular IBC Tote Spill Containment Pallet

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Quantity must be 1 or more

Fittings connect components of your modular pallet design for flow-through capacity

  • Fittings let you connect individual pallet sections or expansion tanks to your Modular Poly IBC Spill Containment Pallet
Use With Modular Poly IBC Tote Spill Containment Pallet
Brand PIG
Use With Flammables No
Sold as 2 per box
Weight 2.5 lbs.
Composition Bulkhead Fittings: Polypropylene
Gaskets: EPDM & Polypropylene
Color Black

2 - Bulkhead Fittings

4 - Gaskets

UNSPSC 39121420


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