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Bullard ADP20 (Air Driven) Pump

Bullard ADP20 (Air Driven) Pump

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Free-Air Pump Air Driven 2 QD Couplers 1\2″ Ind. Interchange 30 CFM

ADP20 (Air Driven)

Air Flow: 30 cfm at 5 psig. Supplies air to:

• Six workers wearing continuous-flow, supplied-air half or full face mask respirators
• Four workers wearing a continuous-flow, supplied-air hood or helmet style respirators
• One worker using Bullard’s Frigitron 2000 air conditioner with certain NIOSH-approved Bullard hood-style respirators

Supplied-air respirators used with this pump must be NIOSH approved to operate at 15 psig or less. The air motor requires a continuous supply of 85 cfm air volume at 95 psig for optimum performance.

Inlet Filter: Medium efficiency, keeps particles larger than 25 microns out of the air supply. Inlet filter can be extended up to 300 feet from the pump using V50IN and V50EX remote extension hose kits.
Outlet Filter: Carbofine with activated carbon

Weight: 90 lbs.
Dimensions: 12 1/8” wide x 25” long x 15” high (41.5” high with air intake installed).


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