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Bullard CAB Air Filtration System - 125 PSI - 30 CFM
Bullard CAB Air Filtration System - 125 PSI - 30 CFM

Bullard CAB Air Filtration System - 125 PSI - 30 CFM

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Bullard CAB30IRHA Clean Air Box Grade D Breathing Filtration System

Bullard CAB30IRHA provides 3 stages of breathing air filtration & (CO) carbon monoxide monitoring to help meet OSHA requirements.

The Bullard Clean Air Box provides unsurpassed grade D breathing air filtration for OSHA requirements for workers using airline respirators.

3 Stage Clean Air Box Filtration

3 filtration stages remove particulate, water, odors, oil vapor, and oil.

  • 30 CFM, 2 outlets, and independent regulators
  • The first stage filter element removes 95 percent of solid contaminants & bulk liquids from breathing air down to 5 microns which prolongs the lifespan of the 2nd and 3rd stage elements
  • The high-efficiency second stage filter element will remove particulates & very fine oil mist down to 0.01 microns. Maximum oil content remaining is less than .01ppm by weight. Automatic drain included. 99.9998 percent filter efficiency
  • The second stage activated charcoal element will remove unpleasant oil, hydrocarbon vapors & odors


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