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Bullard EVA PAPRs (Powered Air Purifying Respirators) - Hood System - Single Bib Hood with Suspension -
Bullard EVA PAPRs (Powered Air Purifying Respirators) - Hood System - Single Bib Hood with Suspension -

Bullard EVA PAPRs (Powered Air Purifying Respirators) - Hood System - Single Bib Hood with Suspension -

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The EVA is simple, safe, and dependable
  • Versatile respirator for particulate or chemical environments
  • Lightweight, compact, well-balanced design
  • Compatible with a range of head tops

In addition, the EVA offers Active Flow Technology™, which maintains an airflow of 8.5 CFM (high speed), 1000 Assigned Protection Factor (depending upon head top), and dual alarms for low flow and low battery. Finally, the EVA has a visual battery fuel gauge to check the remaining charge at the push of a button, a brushless motor with ten times the life of a brush motor PAPR, and an optional genius charger for battery trending analysis. The system features a one-button operation, a choice of two airspeeds, and single filter design.

Certifications: NIOSH certified.
Ordering information: Complete systems include blower, battery, belt, charger, headtop, breathing tube, and airflow indicator. Filters/cartridges must be ordered separately.


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