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C.A Technologies 51-600A BANDIT - Air Agitation

C.A Technologies 51-600A BANDIT - Air Agitation

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The Bandit from C.A.T. is by far the best 2 quart in the industry and at the right price. The band clamp offers 360 degrees of sealing pressure with the turn of one knob, no threads to stick and no multiple lid knobs to turn. Comes with a rigid liner for quick color change and cleaning. The underside of the lid, fittings and fluid tube are all 300 series stainless steel and include a splash guard so you don’t have to worry about waterborne materials or corrosion. The wide lid opening makes filling and refilling a snap. The Bandit offers all the features you need in a 2 quart. Also available with an air driven rotary agitator that includes a stainless shaft and propeller.

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