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C.A. Technologies Jaguar J100H HVLP Low CFM Spray Gun (1.4 x 1093)

C.A. Technologies Jaguar J100H HVLP Low CFM Spray Gun (1.4 x 1093)

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C.A. Technologies Jaguar J100H HVLP Low CFM Spray Gun (1.4 x 1093)

The J100H is a general-purpose gravity feed gun intended for automotive and wood finishing. Features include all stainless steel fluid passages, low volume nozzles for small HP compressor use, and self-adjusting needle packing. Comes standard with 750cc aluminum gravity cup. This gun complies with all HVLP environmental regulations. 

Air Inlet - 1/4” NPS (m) 
Fluid Inlet - 16mm x 1.5mm (m) 
Weight - 20 oz. 
CFM is dependant on Air Cap (21-1090 Low CFM air cap requires 6 CFM @ 15 PSI) 

Standard Nozzle Setup: 1.4 x 1093 - Requires 10 CFM (other nozzles available)


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