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CDC Collectors (1587450511395)
CDC Collectors (1587450511395)
CDC Collectors (1587450511395)
CDC Collectors (1587450511395)

CDC Collectors

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The CDC collectors range from 300 to 900 cfm of air, and are best suited for light to medium duty use cabinets. The collectors feature a 5-gallon lined dust drum. Designed to allow optional bag-in bag-out cartridge change, they are a great choice when dealing with dust that contains hazardous waste or unknown materials. The collectors come standard with a manually operated reverse-pulse cartridge cleaning switch. A timer-based auto pulse kit is available to convert to an automatically pulsing collector. CDC collectors are sold with or without an exhauster for easy conversions from push-through cabinets that use a dust bag or tubular dry filters with the exhauster mounted on the reclaimer.

CDC Collectors

CDC Collectors


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