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Claw Framing Hammers (4/Pack)

Claw Framing Hammers (4/Pack)

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You have your choice of two Claw Framing Hammer brands: QLT, and Estwing®. All two brands are used with chisels to remove grout, and they're all fully polished and forged from one piece of tool steel. The Estwing® hammers have a shock reduction grip. For all the Claw Framing Hammers, you can choose between smooth and milled face, length, and weight. The Estwing® Hammers are Made in the USA with Global Materials.
  • Claw Framing Hammers come in QLT, or Estwing® brands
  • Choose the face, length, and weight
  • Estwing® Hammers are Made in the USA with Global Materials


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