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Clemco 00751 Educt-O-Matic Hand Portable Closed-Circuit Suction Blast Tool (w/Attachments)

Clemco 00751 Educt-O-Matic Hand Portable Closed-Circuit Suction Blast Tool (w/Attachments)

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Clemco’s smallest closed-circuit tool, the hand-portable Educt-OMatic goes anywhere and operates on just 90 cfm of air at 90 psi.

The operator controls blasting and recovery with a trigger handle. Pulling the trigger just slightly starts the vacuum recovery. Pulling the trigger all the way starts the suction blast system.

The compact conical hopper contains the abrasive and meters it into the blast system. Air rushing through the Educt-OMatic’s mixing chamber draws the abrasive into the airstream and propels it out the nozzle.

The blast head swivels to allow blasting at any angle and the rubber boot traps
the dust and abrasive. The vacuum captures the reusable abrasive particles and sends the dust and broken abrasive to the dust bag. 

The Educt-O-Matic cleans an area about one inch wide. After blasting, the operator releases the trigger about halfway to stop blasting, but continues vacuuming for two or three seconds to recover any remaining dust and abrasive. Fully releasing the trigger stops the vacuum system.

The Educt-O-Matic is designed for use with steel and iron grit. The simple cotton bag traps dust.

Educt-O-Matic Attachments:

  • Flat Lip Attachment
  • Serrated Attachment
  • Edge Attachment
  • Angle Attachment
  • Master Adaptor


1. Blast head .........................00761 
2. Standard adaptor ..............00762 
3. Nozzle, 3/8”, tungsten .......00754 
4. Nozzle, 3/8”, steel .............00763 
5. Blast jet .............................00765 
6. Jet gasket..........................00766 
7. Thumb screw, 1/4” x 1”.....03131 
8. Blast head nipple, 3/8” x 4” .......................00767 
9. Swivel connector...............00768 
10. O-ring, neoprene...............00769 
11. Main body..........................00770 
12. Abrasive hose ...................00771 
13. Thumb screw, 10-24 x 1/2” .................03887 
14. Ferrule...............................00774 
15. Air hose assy ....................00775 
16. Suction jet .........................00776 
17. Baffle assembly.................00778 
18. Baffle (plastic only)........See 00778
19. Screen...........................See 00778
20. Screen gasket ...............See 00778
21. Abrasive container ............00814 
22. Dust bag............................00785 
23. Exhaust tube w/form .........00784 
24. Valve body ........................00789 
25. O-ring ................................00786 
26. Valve bushing....................00792 
27. Valve bushing gasket........00793 
28. O-ring ................................00794 
29. Washer..............................00795 
30. Retaining ring....................00796 
31. Spring................................00797 
32. Valve stem ........................00798 
33. Washer..............................00799 
34. Washer, brass...................00800 
35. Hex nut, 10-32 ..................03885 
36. Washer, brass...................00802 
37. Spring................................00803 
38. Washer..............................00804 
39. Eyelet, brass .....................00805 
40. Washer, brass...................00806 
41. Retaining ring....................00807 
42. Nipple and grip assy. ........00810 
43. Pipe nipple ........................00808 
44. Molded handle grip ...........00812 
45. Handle/yoke assy..............00811 
46. Swivel nut/insert assy. ......00815 
47. Container latch hook ........00782 
48. Container latch..................00781 
49. Master adaptor..................00757 
50. Edge attachment...............00755
51. Serrated attachment..........00756
52. Angle attachment ..............00758 
53. Flat lip attachment.............00759 
(-) Exhaust tube gasket (not shown) .......................00846


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