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Clemco 03527  CPF80 Airline Filter 4 Outlet

Clemco 03527 CPF80 Airline Filter 4 Outlet

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Clemco's CPF in-line air filters remove moisture, oil, and dirt particles from compressed air before it reaches your respirator. Multi-stage filtration system includes activated charcoal to eliminate odors and improve the "taste" of your breathing air. Available for one to four air lines; used with HP Model respirators.

NOTE: CPF filters do not remove CO or convert CO to CO2, or remove other toxic gases.

Requirements for Operation

Compressed Grade D quality breathing air as defined by the Compressed Gas Association commodity specification: 
G-7.1 (

Description of Operation

The CPF filter is placed in the breathing-air line between the breathing-air source and the respirator supply hose. The CPF is the point of attachment for the respirator hose.  Air enters the filter through one of the inlet ports.  Moisture is removed by expansion in the outer chamber and is drained through a petcock at the bottom of the unit.  The air passes through a replaceable filter cartridge.  The outlet pressure is controlled by a regulator on the cap and is measured by a gauge downstream from the cartridge.


  • One filter serves multiple respirators
  • CPF-20 is easily converted to CPF-80 to service additional respirators
  • Polypropelene filter cartridge casing eliminates corrosion hazard
  • Filter cartridge lasts up to 3 months.
  • Filters can be floor or wall mounted.

Approvals and Certifications

CPF filters comply with OSHA regulation 1910.94 (6) as a component of a total respirator system.  To comply with OSHA regulation 1910.134 (d), the system must also include a NIOSH-approved, type CE, supplied-air respirator and carbon monoxide (CO) monitoring and/or removal system.


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