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Clemco 31158 GritWizard Metering Valve, 1.5" W/Ball Valve

Clemco 31158 GritWizard Metering Valve, 1.5" W/Ball Valve

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The only pneumatically operated, pressure-hold metering valve you’ll ever need. One Valve Has You Covered! You don’t need to stockpile spares or a collection of valves for different media. The GritWizard is your go-to valve for all common media types and applications—out-of-the-box without modifications, for industrial and contractor jobs.

The GritWizard’s optimal media flow ensures a consistent surface finish while maximizing productivity. You also can adjust media flow while the valve is actuated, so you don’t waste time and media. The GritWizard is simple to maintain and repair, with 60% fewer wear parts, and it's durable enough to last 12 times longer, so you stay in the field and out of the shop. You don’t need to be a wizard to perform blasting magic. You only need the GritWizard. Your job just got easier—if you’ve got a GritWizard.


Inconsistent media flow destroys your productivity.
Not with the GritWizard. It has:

Precision Metering

The GritWizard’s adjustment knob is calibrated at 20 turns per inch, ensuring a precise media-air ratio. The numbered gauge makes it easy to return to your preferred set point. These features and others deliver an optimal media flow that provides a consistent surface finish while maximizing productivity.

Adjustments While Blasting (Patent Pending)

Adjust the media flow while the valve is actuated, so you don’t waste media and time.

Easy to Troubleshoot and Install Wear Parts

Wear parts are simple to diagnose and replace:

  1. Media shutoff valve
  2. Media cleanout
  3. 90° adjustable media tee
  4. Eight internal wear parts (not shown)


Weight: 18 lbs

Required Clearance

  • w/ shutoff valve: 13”
  • w/o shutoff valve: 10.5”

Air Pressure

  • Min: 80 psi
  • Max: 175 psi


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