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Clemco 00908 0.5 Cubic Foot  Blast Machine Packages with 1/2” piping 10” diameter Manual Sand Valve Sandblast Pots - Apollo HP SaFety Gear
Clemco 00908 0.5 Cubic Foot Blast Machine Packages with 1/2” piping 10” diameter Manual Sand Valve Sandblast Pots - Apollo HP SaFety Gear
Clemco 00908 0.5 Cubic Foot Blast Machine Packages with 1/2” piping 10” diameter Manual Sand Valve Sandblast Pots - Apollo HP SaFety Gear

Clemco 00908 0.5 Cubic Foot Blast Machine Packages with 1/2” piping 10” diameter Manual Sand Valve Sandblast Pots - Apollo HP SaFety Gear

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High-performance, versatile blast cleaning system removes contamination, corrosion, mill scale, and coatings from most surfaces. Produces a uniform surface texture, and creates a surface profile to increase bonding for coatings.

Requirements for Operation
These items are required but not included with this equipment:

  • Clean, dry, compressed air of sufficient volume to maintain desired pressure at the nozzle. Refer to Air Consumption Chart in Blast Off 2 booklet (publication stock no. 09294).
  • Minimum of 50 psi needed to close the pop-up valve and pressurize the blast machine.
  • OSHA-required remote control system that interrupts blasting if operator should lose control of the nozzle when blast machine is pressurized.
  • NIOSH-approved, type CE, supplied-air respirator.
  • Grade D breathing-air supply as defined by Compressed Gas Association Commodity Specification: G-7.1 (Refer to
  • Abrasive blast media specifically marketed for abrasive blasting and appropriate for your application.
  • Appropriate blast suit, work boots, hearing and eye protection.

Description of Operation
The operator controls blasting from a remote control handle at the nozzle. Pressing the handle starts blasting; releasing it stops blasting. The blast machine contains abrasive and meters it into the compressed air stream.


  • Yard portable, industrial-quality blast machines manufactured to ASME code.
  • 1-1/4-inch piping allows up to 50 percent more air flow when compared with 1-inch piping.
  • Industrial-quality valves, piping and fittings designed to maximize air flow and minimize energy required to operate the system.
  • FSV abrasive metering valve maintains smooth, consistent, adjustable media flow. Model 2443 Lo-Pot has a LPV abrasive metering valve.

Clemco 00908 0.5 Cubic Foot Blast Machine Packages with 1/2” piping 10” diameter Manual Sand Valve Sandblast Pots - Apollo HP SaFety Gear


  • TLR-50 remote controls (includes 10565 RLX handle) 02518 
  • MSV 1/2” abrasive metering valve 01247 
  • 25 ft. X 1/2” ID blast hose, coupled 01268
  • CHE-1/2 aluminum nozzle holder (included in 01268) 00577
  • CQA-1/2 aluminum quick coupling (included in 01268) 00599 
  • Blast hose safety cable 15012 
  • 1/2” Air filter with manual drain 01308 
  • CT-4 blast nozzle 01353 
  • Blast machine screen (optional steel cover) 03362 (03107) 
  • Nylon tie (eight included with system) 02195 (each) 
  • Apollo 20 HP DLX helmet with Constant Flow Connector 20975 
  • 25 ft respirator hose 04397
  • CPF-20 Breathing air filter 03578 
  • One pair leather gloves 02243 
  • One 25-pack Apollo 20 outer lens 21411
  • One 10-pack quick coupling gaskets 00850
  • One 10-pack nozzle washers 21580
  • Outlet valve diaphragms (three included with system) 02511 (each)

The MSV is a manual valve suited for expendable media; it is used on our 1/2-
and 1-cubic foot machines.

Manual Sand Valve

(-) MSV Metering Valve .... 01247 
1. MSV top casting ............ 01258 
2. Gasket, valve body........ 01260 
3. Metering plate & stem ... 01261 
4. O-ring............................. 00794
5. Pin, spring...................... 01263 
6. Washer, nylon................ 01266 
7. MSV bottom casting ...... 01259 
8. Spring, 17/32” OD X 1”.. 02178 
9. MSV Handle................... 01262 
10. Cap screw, 5/16-NC x 1-3/4”.... purchase locally
11. Nut, 5/16-NC hex... purchase locally

    Approvals and Certifications
    Clemco's quality management system is ISO 9001-2008 certified.

    Blast machine pressure vessel built to American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) specifications for 150-psi working pressure. Vessel is hydrostatically tested and National Board-certified.

    Remote control system complies with OSHA regulation 1910.244 (b).


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    0.5 Cubic Foot1/2" Pipebf2023catchallshiplowmarginMSVnogooglepmax ad sandblasterROAS 6.6sandblasterspo-defaultspo-disabled