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Clemco CT HDCBX360-2 SpinCoater, 1-1/2" Head, For 2"-5" ID Pipe

Clemco CT HDCBX360-2 SpinCoater, 1-1/2" Head, For 2"-5" ID Pipe

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deal for 2"-5" pipe.

Clemtex Heavy Duty Spray Coaters are designed to apply internal coatings and linings to pipe. These tools have a pneumatic driven spray head that will spray most all coatings from the thinnest to the most viscous. The coating to be applied is fed to the spray head through a fluid manifold for maximum material disbursement.

Model HDCBX360-2 comes with centering carriage (PN: HBC01124) that fits in 3"-5" pipe.


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