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If rust is an issue you can add rust inhibitor to your water. (1588245233699)

Clemco Wetblast Injector System

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The Clemco Wetblast injector system is added to your existing sandblast pot and uses a standard city water connection to pressurize the water creating a vapor blast system while using your existing blast pot.  Please Specify your thread type on order or call for assistance.


  • Blast Pot must be 2 Cubic Feet or larger

The Wetblast Injector System is added to your existing 2 Cubic Foot or larger blast pot to enable you to use your blast pot as a wetblast outfit.  This gives you vapor blasting benefits at a much better price.  Additionally you do not have to worry about media packing out in the blast line due to wet media being left in the blast pot.


Package Includes

  • 50 Feet of hose
  • Nozzle adapter to inject water


Available Literature:
09321 - Wetblast Injector Systems


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