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Dent Fix Equipment - StaticZap Anti-Static Device
Dent Fix Equipment - StaticZap Anti-Static Device

Dent Fix Equipment - StaticZap Anti-Static Device

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The StaticZap (DF-EZAP) anti-static device that keeps the surface clean during the paint process to avoid unnecessary reworking and buffing, saving both time and money.

Static attracts dust and unwanted particles, making it very difficult to keep surfaces clean and causing blemishes in the paint’s finish and other work surfaces. It’s absolutely essential to eliminate static from the environment—at every stage of painting—in order to avoid costly reworking.

The StaticZap incorporates the efficiency and power of an air amplifier with the proven technology of corona ionization to produce a highly effective anti-static blow-off device. Perform the anti-static blow off before starting and at every stage in the painting process to eliminate fish eyes and produce a finish that looks like glass.

The two-minute anti-static process will decrease the amount of time needed for wet sanding and buffing which saves time on prep work and also cuts down on labor and materials.

Works wonders when installing vehicle vinyl wraps too!

The Kit includes a lightweight durable anti-static device, rechargeable lithium ion battery, two emitter pins, and safety keys.


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