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DeVilbiss CamAir® DAD-PRO™ System (1587508903971)
DeVilbiss CamAir® DAD-PRO™ System (1587508903971)

DeVilbiss CamAir® DAD-PRO™ System

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The CamAir® DAD-PRO™ Desiccant Air Drying System provides worry free air filtration for top-quality paint jobs.

The CamAir® DAD-PRO™ Desiccant Air Drying System provides worry free air filtration for top-quality paint jobs. Air enters the 2-stage filtration package where it is purged of water, oil and oil aerosols. Once cleaned, the air enters the desiccant tank to further remove any remaining water vapor.

  • First stage filter removes oil, water and dirt down to 5 microns
  • Second stage coalescer removes oil vapors and dirt particles down to .01 microns
  • Desiccant tank removes water vapor and humidity down to a dew point of 40° F
  • Bagged desiccant for ease of maintenance

Technical Specifications:

  • Air Inlet: 1/2" NPT (Female)
  • Air Outlet: 1/4" NPT (Male)
  • Air Flow Capacity: 30 CFM
  • Max. Operating Pressure: 175 PSI (12 Bar)
  • Max. Temperature: 150˚F (65.6˚C)
  • Humidity Indicator: Green- OK, Yellow- Replace Desiccant
  • Water Vapor Removal: -40˚F Dew point
  • Partical Removal: .01 micron
  • Manual Drain: Included


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