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DeVilbiss CT30 Desiccant Air Dryer (1587656097827)

DeVilbiss CT30 Desiccant Air Dryer

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The desiccant air dryer is designed to be a point of use system. It is capable of removing dirt, water, oil, and water vapor from compressed air. It consists of a separator and desiccant cartridge. The cartridge has a housing material that acts like a coalescer and final filter.


Air Inlet
Air Outlet
Air Flow Capacity 30 CFM
Maximum Operating Pressure
Maximum Temperature
Humidity Indicator
Water Vapor Removal
Particle Removal
Manual Drain
1/2" NPT (Female)
1/2" NPT (Female)
200 PSIG (14 Bar)
150o F (65.6o C)
Green: OK
Yellow: Replace Desiccant
-40o F Dew Point
0.1 micron


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