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DeVilbiss Filter Element Water (1587477676067)

DeVilbiss Filter Element Water

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Filter Element Water helps in reducing maintenance costs without compromising on quality.

The high-quality OEM part is a replacement water separator filter element for the 6813 CamAir -130517. The first stage of the DeVilbiss filter helps in removing water, oil, and dirt down to 5 microns. The coalescer filter is the second stage and helps in removing oil and dirt down to .01 microns. The CamAir water separator filter element must be replaced every three months.

  • Replacement Water Separator Filter Element for the 6813 CamAir - 130517
  • First stage removes water and dirt to 40 microns. Filter element, water and particulates for the new Camair 2-stage
  • Replace every 3 months


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