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Drum Dolly (fits 30, 55 & 95-gal. Drums)

Drum Dolly (fits 30, 55 & 95-gal. Drums)

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The Eagle Drum Bogie is constructed of high density polyethylene (HDPE) and has a load capacity of 1,250 lbs. This mobile dispensing unit protects against incidental spills and leaks for 30, 55, and 95 gallon drums. The durable Drum Bogie resists corrosion, has five swivel casters for maximum stability, load capacity and maneuverability.

Model No 1613
Color Yellow
Load Capacity, lbs 1250
Load Capacity, kgs 567
Drain No
Sump Capacity, gallons 12
Sump Capacity, liters 45.42
Material Specifications High-Density-Polyethylene
Dimensions, Exterior 35.75W x 42D x 9H
Pallet Quantity 10
Net Weight, lbs 30
Net Weight, kgs 13.61


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