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Ear Muffs

Ear Muffs

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The MARSHALLTOWN Ear Muffs protect your ears and are comfortable to wear. They come in two styles. Our first style is lightweight with an adjustable reinforced headband that does not fold. It has a noise reduction rating of 20 decibels and a signal-to-noise ratio of 25 decibels. The second style has large foam-filled cushions with deep ear cups and can be folded for easy storage. It has a noise reduction rating of 25 decibels and a signal-to-noise ratio of 30 decibels. Both of these options are quality products.
  • Non-folding, lightweight earmuff with adjustable headband: NRR-20dB; SNR-25dB
  • Folding, lightweight foam-filled cushions with deep ear cups: NRR-25dB; SNR-30dB


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