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Ear Protection

Ear Protection

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MARSHALLTOWN's Ear Protection was created to give you a product that could protect your ears in a comfortable way. We offer three different options: Earplugs without cords, Earplugs with a cord, and our Hearing Protection Band. Our Earplugs have an ultra-soft polyurethane foam that seals your ears off from harmful noise. They have a noise reduction rating of 32 decibels and a signal-to-noise ratio of 37 decibels. The Hearing Protection Band has soft caps with a flexible, durable band. It has a noise reduction rating of 26 decibels and a signal-to-noise ratio of 19 decibels. Choose any of these quality options to fit your needs.
  • Choose Earplugs without cords, Earplugs with a cord, and our Hearing Protection Band
  • Earplugs: ultra-soft polyurethane foam, close-fitting seal
  • Hearing Protection Band: Soft caps, flexible/durable band,


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