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Newstripe EcoLiner LT Lightweight  Athletic Striping Machine
Newstripe EcoLiner LT Lightweight  Athletic Striping Machine
Newstripe EcoLiner LT Lightweight  Athletic Striping Machine
Newstripe EcoLiner LT Lightweight  Athletic Striping Machine

Newstripe EcoLiner LT Lightweight Athletic Striping Machine

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The Ecoliner™ LT Field Striping Machine is engineered to be lightweight and affordable and very durable at the same time. This new machine is more streamlined, weighs less (82 lbs) and uses trusted components making this an affordable alternative for any school, athletic complex or youth leagues.

Fast and Simple to Use
1. Designed specifically for use on athletic fields
2. A lighter weight 140cc 550EX Briggs & Stratton engine
3. Dual handles with cushioned grips and all welded steel construction
4. It`s unique, simple design is easy and inexpensive to maintain.
5. Quickly change your paint colors.
6. Optional HashMarkä Master accessory available for quickly painting hash marks.


Paint Fields in Half the Time compared to aerosol: The efficient spray nozzle design paints high-quality lines the first time, eliminating the need for tedious touchup and repainting of lines for increased visibility. Plus, detachable spray gun with 12 foot hose makes it easy to paint stencils, corner arcs, and hard to reach areas.

Lightweight design: While still made from durable components this new machine is engineered with weight savings in mind, as an alternative to more expensive self propelled machines this allows for much easier pushing over athletic fields and easy one person loading/unloading if you need to transport to remote locations.

No more clogged filters: The EcoLiner™ LT features a large replaceable foot filter on the intake hose. Cleaning the filter takes less than 30 seconds. The recirculating pump keeps the paint continually mixed with no settling. You no longer need to stop
and stir.

Easy Clean Up: The optional left and right 1 gallon cleaning tanks let you clean your spray gun and hoses without leaving the field. Quickly and easily attach to the side of the machine.
Get both the left and right option for extra cleaning capacity, or for fields with more than one color of markings, you can fill one tank up with a secondary paint color.


Easy Clean Up – Just place a standard 5-gallon pail of premixed athletic paint on the machine and you are ready to paint your field. When the job is done just remove the pail, reseal it for future use, pump a little clear water through the system, and you are ready for the next field marking job.

Lightweight Design— helps to make the LT (or light) easy to push across athletic fields that would normally require a more expensive self propelled machine. One person can load or unload the Ecoliner LT eliminating the need and expense of additional helpers.

Built to Last – Made in the USA with all welded steel construction and quality components to provide you with years of trouble-free service.


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