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Edwards - 110 Ton Shop Press with PLC and Portable Power Unit 3 Phase, 460 Volt

Edwards - 110 Ton Shop Press with PLC and Portable Power Unit 3 Phase, 460 Volt

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Our most powerful shop press, this 110 ton shop press includes a programmable logic control (PLC) to maximize your efficiency with shorter cycle times over a 50% time savings. With the greatest capacity this shop press is able to accept all of our standard tooling along with custom tooling in its large work table area, the 110 ton can press bearings, bend metal or straighten your parts. The rolling cylinder, open sided design and electric foot pedal make this machine simple to use. This shop press package includes a portable power unit and is ready to plug-in and power up.

EDWARDS Shop Press, 3-Phase, 110 ton Capacity, 48 in Base Length, 64 in Base Width, 86 in Height, Electric Pump, 12-1/4 in Stroke Length, 2750 psi Pressure, H Frame Frame, 48 x 37-1/2 in Working Space, 5 hp, 1725 rpm Speed


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