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Estwing™ Mash Hammer (4/Pack)

Estwing™ Mash Hammer (4/Pack)

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The MARSHALLTOWN Estwing™ Mash Hammer is ideal for striking chisels, punches, star drills, spikes, and nail pins through concrete and other materials. The hammer is forged from a single piece of high carbon steel and its face is fully polished for better striking performance. Choose a 2, 3, or 4 lb. hammer. Each option comes with a nylon-vinyl cushion grip handle that is durable and comfortable. If you select the 4 lb. hammer, you can also choose between the nylon-vinyl or a soft grip handle that is both comfortable and reduces vibrations caused by impact. All Estwing™ Mash Hammers are Made in the USA with Global Materials.
  • Helps you deal heavy blows with limited swing
  • Choose between 2, 3, or 4 lb. head weight
  • Forged from a single piece of high carbon steel
  • Nylon vinyl cushion grip handle and soft grip handle are comfortable and reduce vibrations caused by impact
  • Made in the USA with Global Materials


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