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Extra Heavy Duty Acid Brush

Extra Heavy Duty Acid Brush

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MARSHALLTOWN Extra Heavy Duty Acid Brushes are made with 3-inch long Tampico and stiff Palmyra fibers that come cemented and bound in a hardwood block for extra durability when scrubbing mortar from bricks, blocks, and wood. You can also use this product to clean mud and concrete from your tools and equipment. This Masonry tool can be used handheld or with a handle for added leverage. Our Heavy Duty Acid Brushes are Made in the USA with Global Materials.
  • Scrub mortar from bricks, blocks, and wood, and clean mud and concrete from your tools
  • Made with Tampico and stiff Palmyra fibers
  • Can be used handheld or with a handle
  • Handles and block sold separately
  • Made in the USA with Global Materials


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