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Walcom Fan Jet With Regulator

Walcom Fan Jet With Regulator

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The THERMODRY Hand Blower is revolutionary in design, concept and performance in air drying equipment. This handheld blower is manufactured from a black metal body which is over injected and lined with Hi-Vis heatproof membrane. If you want a wide, gentle and even fan that is very controllable, this blower is for you. And when you are done fits into your pocket!

Body: Metal and Nylon composite construction
Blow distance: 40-50cm from surface 1st phase / 10-30cm in final drying
Blowing time: Follow instructions provided by the paint manufacturer
Air regulation: Equipped with air inlet air flow regulator
Nozzle: Nylon and rubber radial
Weight: 300g
Working pressure: 0.5 – 3.0 bar
Air consumption: 265 l/min @ 3 bar


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